Thursday, September 18, 2008


welcome welcome to the insane world of joker! haha. emm. i am a first timer here.

just simply got dragged by friends to use blogspot instead of xanga.
according to mr ben, he said that xanga is so boring and everyone that was once a xanga user had already become a blogspot user. so, got simply influenced by friend ady. haha

activity of the day : tuition!

weird thing of the day : woke up at 12pm++ totally insane. i had not been sleeping until 12noon since the day i went to my aunt's house. omg!

problem of the day : i can't study at all. shit shit!! i am gonna die very soon. please prepare a coffin for me. =P

news of the day : anwar did not form new government. and i am totally agreed with Datuk Zaid Ibrahim decision and reasons. xD


0 crazy jokes..: