Thursday, February 25, 2010


I believe that we just need to do what we need to do and things will eventually turns to the brighter side. If things doesn't work out the way I wanted it to be eventhough I had tried it for thousand of times, I prefer to give up.

The feeling of guilt still in me whenever I think of it again. Maybe because of this also, I had a nightmare last night. Horror dream~~ I remember of me taking care of a child in a camp with others. Then somehow the kid felt asleep and me still being awake (studying), stand up leaving the kid who is sleeping there and approached the group who is chatting in the other side. In a flash of an eye, I saw a dark shadow walked pass the kid and the kid is gone. The weird part is that I straight ran towards the place where the kid was sleeping, then I rushed to a "convenient shop' (more like a 7-11 to me) and ask the shopkeeper for the video of the CCTV there.. Weird huh!? A shop in the middle of the jungle with CCTV??? It make no sense to me either. But when I wanted to watch the recording, I saw my room as I'm awake. =P

Should have just forget it somehow. Thank you for the advice and for lending me your ears. Thanks alot.

Kledang Hill again. =P And Bubu finally came. The time when I hope that he will come but he didn't and when the time I didn't expect him to come, he came. Funny guy. haha. Applying the concept of projectile motion for throwing stones. It was funny when I aimed at 'someone' and HeokLyn said loudly that I won't hit him/her but after I threw, suddenly a voice "Auchh" was heard... We were then laughing non-stop. hahaha. HeokLyn kept on telling me that she wanted to go RTM. LOL

0 crazy jokes..: