Friday, March 5, 2010

Worst day ever

I do not know how to say this, but I felt that after so long that I'm back in Ipoh, today was the worst day ever. Not to say what I had been through but because of what I did.

I'm so ashamed of myself being so childish, disrespectful and also do not know how to be grateful. Thinking back, I'm just so blessed for the things and people around me. I just couldn't keep my cool just now and I lost it. I felt so ashamed of it. I'm so sorry!! But I did something really out of my imagination. Perhaps this is where God really used me. To show that I had really changed.

10 crazy jokes..:

Sok Wai said...

what happened?

SuM said...

something happened lo. =/

Sok Wai said...

=.= what an answer!

SuM said...

so i did answer ur question d la. good good. wat a good answer ho. lol

Sok Wai said...


SuM said...

den u wan me to explain everything meh?? muz tell kah?? =P

Sok Wai said...

no need la.. Dun wanna force you to tell. Somemore ur previous answer enabled u to score high distinction d.

SuM said...

wah!! will get a high distinction for dat answer. Not bad wo.. hahah.. hehe.. thx thx.. =)

Sok Wai said...


SuM said...

not bad ho?? lol